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                           Nora Ryell’s New Novel

                       Distant Hills


Distant Hills

He watched her as she read the letter, a faint frown wrinkled her brow. In spite of the grime, he could see that her skin was fair. Her nose was straight and he noticed the curve of her lips and the firmness of her chin. She was so damn, young! he thought. And then she lifted her head and he saw the steel and determination in the grey of her eyes.

“I don’t understand! How could this have happened to me?”

Marcus shrugged. “I suspect for the usual age-old reasons. Either for greed or for lust. I suspect, Miss Hardy that in your case, it is both.”

With those fateful words in mind, Kate Hardy is determined to reclaim her life. Framed and convicted for a murder she didn’t commit and banished to the distant hills of Jamaica, Kate not only travels on a path of self-determination but also finds unexpected passion in a far away land.

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