

Distant Hills


England 1738

She hoped that maybe she had managed to lose them.  She couldn’t hear the baying of the hounds anymore.  The moon was full and as it shimmered and danced on the pale fabric of her dress, she thought she could easily be seen if she hadn’t found the coppice.  Now all she could hear was her ragged breathing.  In fact, the night was suddenly preternaturally quiet.  Kate had run as far as the old quarry, a place she had always thought of as safe.  Now the moon cast deep shadows among the outcroppings, turning the landscape into something sinister.

She’d run – something she’d never thought she’d do but she had been so terrified and confused.

Then she heard the crunch of gravel beneath a boot and held her breath.

“Katie!  Lass, are you there?”

She sobbed in relief when she heard her Uncle’s quiet voice.  She spoke softly, “Here, Uncle.  I’m over here.”

“Thank, God, I’ve found you!”  He hugged her tight and she clung to his warmth and the familiar smell of pipe tobacco one of the few indulgences he allowed himself.

“You, should not have run, Katie.  It looks bad and things are about to get worse.”

“How could it get any worse than it already is?”

Her Uncle hesitated for a moment.  “They’re to take you to London.  Lord Grenville will try you in his own court.”  She could hear the worry in his voice.

“London! But it’s so far away!”

“Have, courage, Katie!  Aunt Betsy will be with you.  But I must travel to Sussex.  I know of someone who will help us.  He has wealth and power.”

He motioned for her to sit down and then sat beside her.  “Forces have been set against you, Katie.  I don’t know why but there’s something not right at Lambert Hall.  There’s something evil there.”

She did not have the courage to tell him all that had transpired this night.  She was still confused and ashamed.

But almost as if he could read her mind, her Uncle Theo said gently, “Where did you go earlier tonight.  I did not see you in the ballroom.”

“I…I needed some fresh air.  The ballroom was too close.  Lady Lambert was right.  She did see me at the stables.  And I did see Julian.  But he was overcome by drink.  I could hear him snoring.  I did not kill him, Uncle!”

“I need to hear everything Katie.  Perhaps you should start at the beginning.”

The beginning!   Was there a moment she could recall when instinct warned her of danger of something not right with the world?  But nothing on the wind had whispered to her. 

She searched her memory.  But of course, there was something.  She did know where it all started.  It had started with her visit to Lambert Hall…..

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