Reflections of 2018

Happy New Year to all!  2019 has begun and I pause after the holidays to reflect on the past year.  2018 was a real mixture of highs and lows.  In April our eldest son was married in Niagara Falls in a wonderful ceremony overlooking the falls.  Then in August, our beloved mother died just a month after celebrating her 90th birthday from complications due to her severe dementia.  Her rapid decline caught all of us by surprise but even though she had forgotten most things her sense of humour remained intact.  We miss her still.

In October, I finally published my first novel Distant Hills – a novel I had worked on (while writing other projects) for almost a decade!  I tend to be a perfectionist!  This is a new and exciting journey for me as I busily promote this novel and begin the research and writing of my second novel which I hope to publish in 2019.  So I leave 2018 with a mixture of feelings – some happy and some sad but I am always optimistic about the new year.  One can never predict how it will unfold but I look forward to the challenges and adventures of 2019.

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